Ранобе. Ранобе Ранобэ демоны старшей школы читать на русском

1. Что такое ранобэ? - Ранобэ (ラノベ (ранобэ) или ライノベ (райнобэ)) или «Лайт-новела», Light Novel (яп. ライトノベル Райто нобэру?) — японские романы с иллюстрациями, основная целевая аудитория которых — подростки и молодёжь. Термин «Light Novel» произошёл от англ. light (лёгкий, упрощённый) и novel (роман), означает буквально «лёгкий роман» и является примером «васэй-эйго» — термина японского языка, составленного из английских слов.

Стиль иллюстраций в ранобэ напоминает кадры манги, но объём иллюстраций относительно текста весьма невелик, поэтому ранобэ относят к прозе, считая эквивалентом молодёжной повести. Произведения часто адаптируются в мангу или аниме-сериал. Книги издаются в карманном формате со страницами «открыточного» размера 10,5×15 см), а также выпускаются частями в литературных журналах, таких как «Dragon Magazine», «The Sneaker», «Dengeki HP», или журналах смешанного содержания: «Comptiq» и «Dengeki G"s Magazine». Как пример развития ранобе можно использовать и — «High School DxD» Ишибуми Иссея, по которому позже была нарисована манга и выпущено аниме.

Произведения «лайт-новел» приобрели широкую популярность в Японии, и издатели находятся в постоянном поиске новых авторов, для чего устраивают ежегодные конкурсы, победители которых получают, помимо денежных призов, право публикации своей книги. В крупнейшем из таких конкурсов — «Дэнгэки сёсэцу тайсё» — ежегодно участвуют более двух тысяч авторов. Количество авторизованных переводов «лайт-новел» на иностранные языки невелико из-за низкого спроса и значительно большего по сравнению с мангой объёма переводимого текста.

Поскольку ранобэ ориентированы в первую очередь на молодёжную аудиторию, это определяет некоторые особенности их оформления. Книги издаются в небольшом формате, содержат цветные или чёрно-белые иллюстрации, выполненные в том же стиле, в каком делаются изображения в манге и аниме, текст обычно набирается более крупным шрифтом (по сравнению, например, с текстом газет или «взрослых» книг). Многие иероглифы снабжаются фуриганой, которая, помимо своего прямого назначения, порой используется для придания словам иных, нестандартных чтений (к примеру, в ранобэ «To Aru Majutsu no Index» немалое количество слов, включая само название произведения, было «переозвучено» подобным образом). Манера письма часто характеризуется короткими (одно-два предложения) абзацами и обильным использованием диалогов. Эти особенности призваны способствовать быстрому чтению «лайт-новел».

Однако было бы ошибочным воспринимать ранобэ лишь как несколько более «многословную» разновидность манги. Типичная структура ранобэ — это несколько цветных иллюстраций в начале, после чего идёт 200—400 страниц текста, где лишь изредка попадаются чёрно-белые картинки. В литературном переводе на русский язык текст страницы составит приблизительно 1500 символов. Объём произведений в целом также весьма значителен. Например, уже упомянутый первый том «Волчицы и пряности» в любительском переводе на английский язык включает в себя 65 485 слов. Первый том Zero no Tsukaima — 39 705 слов. Для сравнения: известный роман Клайва Льюиса «Лев, колдунья и платяной шкаф» содержит в оригинале 37 467 слов. Таким образом, по своей структуре и объёму ранобэ — это, скорее, роман, пусть и с определёнными стилистическими особенностями, а не повесть, и уж, тем более, не рассказ.

(по материалам mad-otaku.2x2forum.ru/t636-topic)

2. Зачем мне его читать? Что нового я узнаю? - Ранобэ является первоисточником всей вселенной DxD. Так что, если вам интересно узнать, как автор хотел описать что-либо, обязательно прочитайте. Многие перипетии, происходящие в аниме и ранобэ, различаются при этом довольно существенно. А также многое что есть в ранобэ не экранизировалось в аниме.

3. Я смотрел аниме, с какого тома мне нужно начинать читать, чтобы узнать продолжение истории? - Если подходить буквально, то:

  1. 1 сезон аниме соответствует 1 - 2 тому ранобэ
  2. 2 сезон аниме соответствует 3 - 4 тому ранобэ
  3. 3 сезон аниме соответствует 5 - 7 тому ранобэ

4. Сколько томов вышло? - На момент написания статьи (весна 2016г.) официально вышел 21 том основной истории так сказать «номерных» 2 тома ответвления от основной истории (DxD DX) и 1 том неофициальный - приложение к основной истории (том 12.5).

5. Как быстро будут появляться переводы? - Переводы делаются людьми бесплатно, не преследуя коммерческой выгоды в свободное от работы время, поэтому говорить или обещать что-то по поводу сроков трудно - узнавайте в официальных группах команд переводчиков.

6. Как можно ускорить появление переводов? - Читать то что есть, оставлять критические или хвалебные замечания по поводу переводов. Ваши ответы, ваша критика лучший показатель того что работа не напрасна и является мощным стимулом к ускорению переводов.

7. Я представитель другой команды, как мне добавить на сайт наши переводы? - Обращайтесь про помощи

1. Okay, your question is really broad…so I’ll give a more general answer. If you’ve got a more specific question, feel free to ask.

Language: I’m going to assume that your question refers to fan-translation of light novels and manga. Most of these are released in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean as their original or licensed translation language. If you are interested in becoming a translator, you should be aiming for fluency in one or more of these languages. Learning a language takes time and devotion. Each language is different, and it also depends on how much time you can spare each day or week to learning. As far as these Asian (and Arabic) languages go, it usually takes 2 to 3 years (assuming time set aside for daily study) to reach an intermediate level (can read manga and novels) because they are so different from English.

Patience and perseverance: You will need patience when learning a language, and also when translating. You will get frustrated that you cannot read things, or aren’t able to understand a sentence. You might spend hours mulling over a particular phrase. So be prepared for that, and have the mindset to see things through to the end.

2. I’m afraid things will be tougher for you if you don’t want to spend any money on translating. Translation comes at the cost of your time to begin with, but in order to obtain the material that you want, you either have to buy it yourself (unless it is publicly available, e.g. a web novel), or get a copy from someone who has bought it and is willing to share. There are plenty of raw novels and manga available on jcafe24.net, and they are uploaded by generous contributors. You may also find them on other sites, though they it may take some more digging. Do note though that not everything will be available for free – the series that you really want to translate may not have raws that you can access for free, and you will either be forced to buy it, or translate something else.

I can’t speak for all translators, but I’m personally okay with sharing my raws with other translators and helping them out. I’m happy to see something that I like being translated, so I’d gladly share if asked. But each translator obviously buys the novels or manga that they want to read or work on, and it is less likely for a translator to have raws of a series that they are not working on. So if you were working together with other translators on the same project, they might be generous enough to share their raws, but they might not. And if you wanted to work on a project on your own, it’s more likely that you’ll have to buy the raws.

Hyoudou Issei (兵藤 一誠, Hyōdō Issei )

Rank: Low-class Devil → Middle-class Devil → High-class Devil

Role: Pawn (8 Pieces, later in volume 23 it is revealed that all 8 of them transformed into Mutation Pieces)

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former human until Volume 11, Humanoid-Dragon from Volume 12)

Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear (Longinus)

Weapon: Ascalon

Power: Dress-Break, Pailingual, Trident, Dragon Breath, Dragon Deification, Penetrate, Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames.

A second-year (third-year from Volume 23) high school student attending Kuoh Academy. He is known to be stupid, lecherous and a pervert among his peers. A normal high school student born in a normal family, but is in possession of the Sacred Gear "Boosted Gear" which is listed as one of the ultimate Sacred Gears(Longinus). He was killed by his first girlfriend, a Fallen Angel, and was revived as a Devil and a servant of Rias Gremory, his new master. Now he aims to become a Harem King by gaining a peerage, unaware of himself attracting girls around him.

Rias Gremory (リアス・グレモリー, Riasu Guremorī )

Rank: High-class Devil

Role: King

Species: Pure Devil

Power: Power of Destruction

A third-year (University from Volume 23) student at Kuoh Academy and the Madonna of the academy. She comes from the old noble of pure Devils, the House of Gremory. She is a High-class Devil who is known as genius by many, and is nicknamed the "Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess". Her brother is, in fact, one of the Yondai-Maou, Lucifer, and both of them possess the Power of Destruction. She revives Issei as her servant after finding him dead, killed by a Fallen Angel and possessing a rare Sacred Gear. Kind and soft to her servants, becomes a totally different person when training or fighting.

Asia Argento (アーシア・アルジェント, Âshia Arujento )

Rank: Low-class Devil

Role: Bishop


Sacred Gear: Twilight Healing

A second-year (third-year from Volume 23) student at Kuoh Academy. Originally a sister who was known as a holy maiden for her healing powers. She was raised in an orphanage and was taken in by the Church after her powers were discovered. However, she was kicked out of the Church for healing a Devil, and was taken in by people affiliated with the Fallen Angels. She starts living with Issei after being saved from the Fallen Angels" grasp. As a person raised in the Church, she lacks common sense.

Himejima Akeno (姫島 朱乃, Himejima Akeno )

Rank: Low-class Devil → Middle-class Devil

Role: Queen

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former half-human half-fallen angel)

Power: Elemental magic (mainly thunder), Holy Lightning (From Volume 5 onwards)

A third-year (University from Volume 23) student and one of the "Two Great Onee-samas" of Kuoh Academy along with Rias. Called the ultimate "Queen" by other members. Born between a human mother and fallen angel father, after the death of her mother, she became Rias" servant. She is a friend close enough to call Rias by her name in private, yet calls her Buchou in presence of others and displays a master-servant relationship in public. She persistently refuses to use her power of light, inherited from her father, but starts using it after being convinced by Issei.

Kiba Yuuto (木場 祐斗, Kiba Yūto )

Rank: Low-class Devil → Middle-class Devil

Role: Knight

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former Human)

Sacred Gears: Sword Birth, Blade Blacksmith

Weapons: Demonic Emperor Sword Gram, Balmung, Nothung, Tyrfing, and Dáinsleif(from Volume 12).

A second-year (third-year from Volume 23) student at Kuoh Academy. Self proclaimed best friend of Issei, and the school prince. He was a victim of the Holy Sword Project, where he was the only survivor. He became Rias" servant when she saved him from death, but still swore to extract his revenge on those who treated him as a test subject and disposed his friends. He also harbours a great hatred towards the Holy Sword, Excalibur.

Toujou Koneko (塔城 小猫, Tōjō Koneko )

Rank: Low-class Devil

Role: Rook

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former Nekomata)

Power: Senjutsu, Youjutsu

A first-year (second-year from Volume 23) student at Kuoh Academy. Originally she was about to be executed by the Devils after her sister, Kuroka, killed her own master. The Maou, Lucifer, protected her, and left her under his sister"s, Rias" care - becoming her servant. She refused to use the power of senjutsu because she didn"t want to become like her sister. She overcame her power along with Akeno after Issei made her overcome her own powers. She doesn"t show any emotion at all, and says harsh things and hits Issei whenever he is doing or thinking something perverted. She shows the most concern for her comrades when they are in trouble.

Xenovia Quarta (ゼノヴィア・クァルタ, Zenovia Kwaruta )

Rank: Low-class Devil

Role: Knight

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former Human)

Weapon: Excalibur Destruction (Volume 3), The Holy Sword Durandal → Ex-Durandal → Excalibur and Durandal.

A Holy Sword user who was sent from the Church along with Irina to destroy or retrieve the stolen Excalibur swords. After she finds out that the God in the Bible died long time ago, she decides to join the Occult Research Club as Rias"s servant. She tries to seduce Issei whenever she can because she wants to give birth to a strong baby.

Gasper Vladi (ギャスパー・ヴラディ, Gyasupā Buradi )

Rank: Low-class Devil

Role: Bishop

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former Dhampir (half Human/half vampire))

Power: Vampire"s power

Sacred Gear: Forbidden Balor View → Forbiden Invade Valor The Beast (Longinus)(from volume 16)

A Dhampir (half Vampire and half Human) male cross-dresser who has the ability to stop the time of those he sees but he is unable to control it. He is sealed by Rias as ordered by the elders until she has grown up enough to control him. He is still unable to completely control his powers but can improve a lot by drinking Issei"s blood.

Rossweisse (ロスヴァイセ, Rosuvaise )

Rank: Low-class Devil

Role: Rook

Species: Reincarnated Devil (Former Valkyrie)

Power: Norse Magic, self invented magic

Originally Odin"s bodyguard. After the battle with Loki and Fenrir, Odin leaves her in Issei"s town. She then gets persuaded by Rias to become her servant. She remains in Kuoh Academy as a teacher.

Shidou Irina (紫藤イリナ, Shidō Irina )

Rank/Role: Ace of Spades (Michael"s Brave Saint)

Species: Reincarnated Angel

Weapon: Excalibur Mimic (Volume 3), Mass-produced Holy Demonic Sword, Hauteclere

Xenovia"s partner and Issei"s childhood friend. After finding out that the God in the Bible is dead, she still follows the teachings and is under the direct command of Michael. She was shocked to find out that Issei turned into a Devil. They are still friends despite that flaw.

Ravel Phoenix (レイヴェル・フェニックス, Reiveru Fenikkusu )

Rank: High-Class Devil

Role: Bishop (Free)

Species: Pure Devil

Power: Immortality, Aerokinesis, Pyrokinesis

Fourth child and only daughter of the Phoenix house, she started as her brother Riser"s bishop, but after the duel between him and Issei, she fell in love and was traded to her mother, who doesn"t participate in Rating Games, with the hope of one day becoming Issei"s servant. She is currently his manager. She has transferred to Kuoh Academy, where she got into Koneko and Gasper"s class, as well as becoming a member of the Occult Research Club and living at the Hyoudou residence. She started with a body type like Koneko"s, but has grown since.

Ophis (オーフィス, Ōfisu )

Rank/Role: God

Species: Dragon

Power: Infinity, Snakes

One of the two most powerful dragons, along with Great Red, born in the dimensional gap. After losing to him, it was banished and has since tried to find a way to win over and return. Neither male nor female, it has currently taken the form of a little girl in goth clothes and has been recognized as female. Currently it has lost most of its powers due to being stolen using Samael"s venom, being reduced to only twice the power of the Heavenly Dragons at their prime, and lives at the Hyodou residence as a kind of pet or mascot.